Looking for a public toilet nearby? Look no further. We have provided a full list of clean and accessible toilets throughout the county, so you can find the one closest to you.
Facilities throughout the county
Public toilets in Conwy County are open either seasonal or open all year round except Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.
Opening times vary depending on the season.
A full list of opening times can be found by clicking here. You can find our full list of toilets, complete with facilities information here.
Community toilet scheme
The Community Toilet Scheme is a Welsh Assembly Government initiative which encourages businesses to open their toilet facilities to the general public. There are a number of participating businesses in Conwy County. A full list can be found here.
Further information
If you need any more information about public toilets in the area, then contact our friendly tourist information teams.
Our Tourist Information Centre in Conwy located on Vicarage Road houses public toilets, so you can use the facilities before browsing our full range of maps and gifts.
Alternatively, if you want more information on other facilities in the area, you can phone our teams on 01492 577577 or 01492 577566.